How to properly create folders for Android App - Android Studio 2.2.1 Tutorial

Folders are the root of each and every Android Studio Projects, but most in case new developers usually create them inappropriate manner. This time we're discussing about how to create folders rightly in Android Studio.

Watch and understand how to create folder properly in Android Studio from our own YouTube Channel

Manually ? Here we go!

Creating a Assets & Res folder:
 We usually create assets folder by right-clicking on 'res' folder and them create a directory/resource directory. But the right method is as shown below the screenshots.

There you also find 'Res folder' option which enables you create Resource directory too.

What if I create anim/raw/drawable/res folders simply by right-clicking on 'res'/'main' folders?

Well, after creating a folder you may have noticed that the folder you created is not visible in Project page seen on left-side of the Android Studio and if you wish to see the folder, then you have to navigate into 'Projects' from 'Android' (see below screenshot).

Navigating from 'Android' to 'Project'

So, I hope you all guys have an idea now about creating folders in Android Studio.Buidling stunning apps & have a good day!


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